Quilling Letter P Tutorial - Beehive Scrolls

Quilling Letter P Tutorial - Beehive Scrolls

Make a picture dictionary so you can replace the letter P with any letter from my book, Quilling Letters. Swap out the poodle for any other drawing to customize your own picture dictionary project.

how to quilling letter p and how to quill beehive technique

It's easy to start Quilling a Beehive Scroll

Give your quilling a lacy texture or color fill using the beehive technique. It quickly fills up a space, and I've always imagined it to represent the texture of a poodle or even sheep! Give it a try - it's really fast to make and you have to be exact with it.

how to quilling letter p and how to quill beehive technique

how to quilling letter p and how to quill beehive technique

Free Quilling Template

Download my free template for the Letter P and start quilling along with me! Every strip is numbered and pre-measured for you, just like my book, Pretty Quilled Cards.


How to Quill Freehand Shaped Illustrations

Have you been struggling to quill an illustration? Watch how to sculpt your strips and tame them like a docile dog.


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